Wednesday, March 5, 2008

34 weeks: what the...

For the last few days I have itched all over... the hands and feet are the worst. I have blood spots from scratches all over especially the belly... very attractive. It is driving me insane. I have been pretty tolerable thus far through all the pregnancy bumps in the road but this is hell! Research as to the cause... which usually renders comfort, oh so did not with this one... Cholestasis of Pregnancy otherwise known as F%^KING MISERABLE HELL for pregnant women if this is what it turns out to be. I have 1 week 3 days to safe zone... 2 weeks 3 days to goal... come on god give me a break here... besides that the duck waddle phase has now turned into an obese duck waddle phase. Waddle waddle... Absolutely pathetic to say the least. Trying to roll out of bed is sheer entertainment for on lookers. I am sure you will all enjoy this. :D This will be the last pregnancy... so you better enjoy it while it last.

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