Monday, October 22, 2007

15 weeks: test results

Dr. Reeds office called today. The NT test came back and everything looks good thus far. They changed the date of the 2nd blood test to November 7th at 3:00 p.m. The next doctor's appointment is October 29th and the first installment of the delivery fees are due. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 16th week... approaching 4 months and nearing the half way mark... pretty insane. Also Dr. Reeds office has changed the due date to April 12th on some paper work I received. Just called and they have confirmed the expected due date is April 12th.

Besides that, morning sickness has returned more intensely the last couple of days and I can feel the little ones growing, i.e. hormone symptoms, stretching of uterus and stomach pains... oh the joys of pregnancy, so beautiful and amazing and disgusting all at the same time. Last night I felt, I believe baby B move... I felt the flutters before but this was a alienish feeling move... haha. He.. i say he but I guess "it" is situated on my left ovary; not the best feeling in the world. But they won't shift... they both favor the left side. Aw they are already inseparable.

Yesterday, Zoe, Leo, and I had interesting... entertaining baby discussions. Zoe said she will have lots of babies. Lots of girls and lots of boys and all the girls will be name Zoe and all the boys will be named Leo. (Her example: Zoe 1, Zoe 2, Zoe 3... Leo 1, Leo2, Leo 3, and so on... I believe she was counting 5 boys and 5 girls each. She will have her hands filled if that prediction comes true. Be careful what you wish for... I always said I would have twins and ummm yeah I am having twins... second set I have been pregnant with, so yeah... have fun with that zo. :) Besides that Zoe has changed the wish for twin girls to a boy and girl and Leo just wants boys boys boys... and Julie wants Leo to remain the only grandson but we all love Leo and he will always be special and be my little dude, even though I have a boy in my belly. :) That will be verified the week of November 26th.

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