Wednesday November 26th, in the early morning before light broke... I heard the cries of Arden spring out... shattering the quietness of the night. Mom was still awake working hard on her homework... she runs in dashing by arden's side and whisked her away. The bluh sounds were recognized by me moments later. What is this sensation? Vomit was everywhere. I let out my cry of dissatisfaction, fear, and utter disgust... momma made another mad dash and swept me away. We had it... the bubonic plague of the season... the stomach virus that spread like wild fire.
Momma was scurrying all over the place. Washing us off. Spraying the surroundings with pshhhhhhh pssshhhhhhh psssshhhhh wipe wipe... ripping of sheets from mattresses. Washing machine on full speed. Endless bluh bluh bluh. Phone calls, text messages, typing on keyboards... screens displaying do's and don'ts. Wait it out. Keep hydrated. Puke, Clean, Bath. Three hours passed. Mom seems a little green and worn. Mad dashes from bathroom to us. Bathroom to us. Oh no, the plague has spread. Poor momma still not over her cough from weeks ago. WOOOOOOO HOOOO daddy is home. Momma disappears to the room to lay down. We puke on daddy, and the cycle is repeated. Mommy is up and now daddy is puking.
Happy Thanksgiving. Food dropped at the door. Simultaneously we celebrate our first turkey day with up chucks and uhhhh I feel like death's. Days still go on and we are still not better. Day before yesterday Arden was still throwing up. 2 lbs. down and we are still surviving the remnant of the plague. All while fighting this horrible infection on my head. With Dr. Reidy's help that has finally been cured.
I am happy say we are finally on the road to recovery. Arden is still mostly on a liquid diet... must suck watching me chomp down on the eloquent food I munch down jar after jar. :) But she is building back to it slowly.
That is the tale of our first Turkey Day.